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Airport: Palma de Mallorca (PMI)


Current local time 14:31:42 Saturday 22.02.2025
Time zone UTC + 01:00
Demand calculation 14:41:10 UTC
IATA Area Traffic Conference 2
IATA Sub-Area Europe
Region Balearic Islands
Country Spain
Continent Europe
Runway 3,270 m
Airport size Large airport
Slots (per 5 minutes) 10
Slot Availability 30%
Min. transfer time 01:15h
Nighttime ban no nighttime ban
Noise restrictions Restricted to Chapter III and IV aircraft


2025-02-13 12:22 UTC Euro SKY Airlines has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2025-01-09 02:15 UTC Moskva Air has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2024-12-26 15:28 UTC Q8 Bologna has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2024-12-24 12:20 UTC PaHaLine has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2024-12-24 11:54 UTC PalatzHartlLine has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2024-12-14 17:40 UTC Air Ireland has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2024-12-10 15:40 UTC Europa Airlines extends the capacity of its passenger terminal T2 at Palma de Mallorca by 200000 units.
2024-11-16 10:15 UTC Polar Star has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2024-09-09 08:34 UTC Aero Malaysia has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2024-08-31 08:22 UTC Silk Road Airlines has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2024-08-25 08:59 UTC Lost Civilization Airlines has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2024-08-09 21:50 UTC Vengeance Airways has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2024-08-09 05:42 UTC Air Ray has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2024-03-17 07:38 UTC Air Zambia has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.
2024-01-14 14:33 UTC WeedAir has opened a new station at Palma de Mallorca.

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Enterprise IL Weekly departures Flight schedule
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Europe Spirit Airlines 84 Departures
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Fresh Air 21 Departures
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